the south parts of Germany [Germany / Luxembourg] (19/10/2001-24/10)

19/10 the oldest globe
20/10 German sign
21/10 autumn

Currency : 1DM=57.2JPY / 1LF=1BF=29JPY

19/10 the oldest globe Nurnberg/Jugendherberge Nurnberg (Youth Hostel)

I drove in the deep fog. This is in Czech Republic.

I saw the oldest globe in the world. We can see this at German National Museum in Nurunberg.

20/10 German sign Idar-Oberstein/Edelstem Hotel/355.3km

I saw many sign like this. But I can't understand. Do you understand?

21/10 autumn Idar-Oberstein/Edelstem Hotel/0km

I visited German Gem Museum in Idar-Oberstein and polishing factory.

Autumn has come.